Welcome to the online Juror portal! The District Clerk is responsible for facilitating the jury selection process for all of the Hill County Courts including the 66th District Court, the County Court At Law, the County Court and all of the Justice of the Peace Courts.
Other than voting, jury service is our most important civic duty. Remember that the U.S. and Texas Constitutions both guarantee the right to an impartial trial by jury. You help make the system work and ensure the integrity of our judicial system.
The portal allows you to check in for service and complete the juror questionnaire, reschedule your service, or elect an exemption/disqualification from service. Please read your summons for exemption/disqualification information. Questions? Please call (254) 582-4042.
66th Judicial District Court: The jury trial scheduled for Tuesday, June 21, 2022 has been cancelled. Jurors please do not report for service.
Marchel Eubank